1 July 2024

How I Won the War

How I Won the War 1967

  • Director: Richard Lester
  • Seen by this director: Superman, Robin and Marion, Petulia, Help!, The Knack, A Hard Day’s Night
  • Based on the book by Patrick Ryan
  • Cast: Michael Crawford, Roy Kinnear, Jack MacGowran, Michael Horden, John Lennon, Sheila Hancock
  • Personal “oh yeah him/her” reaction, i.e. have seen this actor in:
    • Michael Creawford – The Knack
    • Roy Kinnear – Help!
    • Michael Horden – many including Cymbeline and King Lear
    • John Lennon - Help!, A Hard Day’s Night
    • Sheila Hancock – Edie, Unforgotten, Hustle, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
  • Why? John Lennon
  • Seen: Twice before. Now 26 June 2024      

       It was a shock to me when in the midst of my Beatlemania I was reached by the news that John Lennon was going to be in a film! Without the others! Oh no! Were they breaking up???

       Nevertheless I saw it at the cinema with my then boyfriend. I slept through most of it.

       Years later, Hal and I saw it on television. I slept through most of it.

       This time I’m really going to try to stay awake.

       It’s a comedy about WWII via an idiot commander Goodbody (Crawford), a spoof, a satire, ridiculing war and the military. I’m for all that.

       It’s more or less incomprehensible (like war), full of absurdities (like war) and surprisingly amusing (unlike war). Its silliness reminds me of A Hard Day’s Night and Help!, which isn’t so odd. After all, Richard Lester directed them too.

       This time I’m actually staying awake. It does go on, though. It’s fine with me if it sends soon.

 3 ½ * of 5.



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