29 July 2024

Grabben i graven bredvid


Grabben i graven bredvid (The Guy in the Next Grave) 2002

  • Director: Kjell Sundvall
  • Based on novel by Katarina Mazetti
  • Cast: Michael Nyqvist, Elisabet Carlsson
  • Personal “oh yeah him/her” reaction, i.e. have seen this actor in
    • Michael Nyqvist – Colonia, Min så kallade pappa, John Wick, Luftslottet som sprängdes, Flickan som lekte med elden, Män som hatar kvinnor, Tillsammans
  • Why? Michael Nyqvist
  • Seen: Once before. Now 28 July 2024 

If I was a widow who loves books, musik, art, culture in general (which I am) would I leave my life and become a farmer’s wife? Absolutely not. Ever. Not even if the farmer in question is a very sexy and kind and funny and intelligent Michael Nyqvist. I admire and have great respect and gratitude for farmers without whom we would not survive, but I am a city slicker through and through.

That’s why this film gives me the creeps, no matter how much I love Michael Nyqvist. 

2 ½* of 5




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