15 July 2024

Home Movie


Home Movie 2008

  • Director: Christopher Denham
  • Based on the book: no
  • Cast: Adrian Pasdar, Cady McLain, Austin Williams, Amber Joy Williams
  • Personal “oh yeah him/her” reaction, i.e. have seen this actor in:
    • None of them
  • Why? Might be fun
  • Seen: 11 July 2024 

Happy family in rural Connecticut. Dad David (Pasdar)) is a Luthern pastor and loves taking home movies. Mom Clare (McLain), a psychiatrist, goes along with it good-naturedly. The twins Jack (A. Austin) and Emily (A.J.Austin) respond sullenly to their loving parents’ enthusiasm. Sullenly, then rebelliously, then violently.

It’s creepily effective for an hour or so but then it turns sadistic with no point or reason. The film is short so they could have developed it into something. As it is, it feels unfinished. 

2½ * of 5







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