17 June 2024



Uncertainty 2008

  • Director: Scott McGeehee and David Siegel
  • Based on the book: no
  • Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lynn Collins
  • Personal “oh yeah him/her” reaction, i.e. have seen this actor in:
    • Joseph Gordon-Levitt – Many
    • Lynn Collins – Angels Crest, X-Men Wolverine, The Lake House, The Merchant of Venice, Down with Love
  • Why? JG-L.
  • Seen: 15 June 2018      

       Bobby (JG-L) and Kate (Collins), a young couple in New York, flip a coin and the film splits into two stories à la Sliding Doors. In one they visit her family, in the other they get involved in a mafia murder. The first story is boring, the second ridiculous. Good actors but bad and pointless film. 

2* of 5


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