17 June 2024

Richard II RSC


Richard II RSC 2013

  • Director: Gregory Doran
  • Seen by this director: many Shakespeare plays
  • Based on Shakespeare
  • Cast: David Tennant, Emma Hamilton, Michael Pennington, Nigel Lindsay, Oliver Ford Davies
  • Personal “oh yeah him/her” reaction, i.e. have seen this actor in:
    • David Tennant – many
  • Why? Shakespeare and Tennant
  • Seen: 13 June 2018      

       This is the third version I’ve seen in a short time after reading the play again. It’s getting a bit repetitive but I’ve very much looked forward to seeing David Tennant as Richard. Having seen his Hamlet several times I have high expectations.

       Which is unfair because his Hamlet is one of the best performances ever, and also because Richard II is a far less interesting character than Hamlet. All of this I write because I don’t want to write that I’m a little disappointed. He’s a bit melodramatic and it pains me to write that his interpretation is not as gripping as Ben Whishaw’s. Oh, what am I saying? Tennant is excellent, of course he is.

       Otherwise it’s very pompous and trumpety, it goes slowly and is too long. Not a 5* but still 

4* of 5




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