Jury 2003
- Director: Gary Fleder
- Based on book by John Grisham
- Cast: John Cusack, Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, Rachel Weisz
- Personal “oh yeah him/her” reaction, i.e. have seen this actor in:
- All of them – Many
- Why? The cast
- Seen: 4 December 2024
possible that I’ve seen the film before. I know I read the book.
A widow
sues a gun company after her husband is killed in a mass shooting at his
office. Gene Hackman finds jurors who will acquit the gun company. Dustin
Hoffman finds jurors who will find them guilty. John Cusack gets himself onto
the jury and with the help of his girlfriend Rachel Weisz, they work both sides
against each other, demanding millions to vote the way the two sides want them
juries, money hungry gun manufacturers, honourable individuals sincerely
working for gun control, dirty tricks to expose jurors’ secrets. It could have
been such a strong political statement. Instead it’s just a thriller, and kind
of boring at that. As much as I respect the cast it’s
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